Contact Centre Agent Pathway

This pathway contains 13 videos that will help develop the skills of new and existing agents including award winning techniques in phone and email response.

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    An Introduction to Contact Centres (10 min)

    This video explains about the contact centre history, a brief history and some key components about contact centres.

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    Attitude (10 min)

    This 10 minute video details how you can use your attitude to the best possible advantage. Having a positive attitude is in your control and impacts positively on all those around you. You will learn about ways to improve attitude, dealing with change and motivation factors.

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    Customer Service Excellence (10 min)

    In this 10 minute video version, we explain the importance of delivering excellent customer service. There are a number of things every person in the organisation can do to provide great service. It is not just the responsibility of the customer service team or receptionist. every one in the business should be looking to provide great service to all customers - external and internal.

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    Answering the Telephone (10 min)

    This 10 minute video shows some techniques on answering the telephone. It includes the phone greeting and asking permission to ask questions.

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    Showing Empathy (10 min)

    Showing empathy is a key skill to develop in a customer service, sales or leadership role. This video details ways to show empathy and how to more clearly understand it. Use the workbook to help complete the questions and empathy plan. If you are using the workbook, the empathy test is a great way to test your empathy skills. An alternative test can be found here:

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    Communication Skills (10 min)

    This 10 minute video explains about communication, tone, modulation and body language.

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    Award Winning Telephone Techniques Part 1 (10 min)

    This video focuses on the first five of ten telephone techniques that will help set you apart and above others in your industry. These techniques are based onto CRM Awards criteria and are suitable for all centres around the world.

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    Award Winning Telephone Techniques Part 2 (10 min)

    This video focuses on the second five of ten telephone techniques that will help set you apart and above others in your industry. These techniques are based onto CRM Awards criteria and are suitable for all centres around the world.

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    Positive First Impressions (10 min)

    This 10 minute video explains in detail how you can create a positive first impression of your business to customers. You will learn some key techniques that will be easy to apply in phone and face to face situations.

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    Handling Difficult Customers (10 min)

    Difficult Customer Techniques - This 10-minute video outlines ways you can deal with difficult customers and how you can calm them down. The Glad>Sure>Sorry technique as shown in part in this video is the intellectual property of Mary Gober International. Used with permission.

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    Keeping your Customers Informed (10 min)

    This 10 minute video helps to outline the reasons why you should keep customers informed and always contact them to update with information and stay in touch. You will learn some key tips on why to keep customers informed and how to do it. There is a workbook for this video.

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    Fix the Customer First (10 min)

    In this 10 minute video you will learn how to put the customer first and sort out the problem or issue later. We will cover examples to follow, company rules to be aware of, what hold ups do to customers and benefits of understanding and using this principle of putting the customer first.

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    Award Winning Emails (10 min)

    This 10 minute video outlines 9 criteria to provide award winning emails including professionalism, spelling and grammar and adding value. These criteria are generally defined as good practice and getting them right will help provide an award winning experience for your customers. There is a workbook for this video.